Waiting for Chan Sizzle
Talking away to the birds and the trees painted on the walls. Dr. Chan is fascinated with how much he talks relative to his age. I tried to tell her it runs in the family :-)
Charlie and I trucked it back to the doctor's today and it was the first time without Jose. It's a lot of work now that Charlie is such a big boy to cart him in, get him undressed to weigh, (secretly pray that he doesn't pee on the nurse) change his diaper (usually twice), redressed etc etc.
Charlie is up to 12 lbs 8 ounces which means he's gained about an ounce a day since our last appt... he's doing really well with his growth.
Chan-Sizzle is concerned that Charlie may have a food allergy to dairy. She says that in babies this young it would clear around age 6-9 months and he wouldn't suffer from it forever. For the next 7 days I'm on a strict no dairy diet which now includes the proteins casein and whey (in all the good stuff like crackers, pasta etc). After being pregnant they should really let you select whatever diet you want...I would choose Mexican...but with no beans, dairy, or bell peppers what is the point? Chan-Sizzle reccommends trying soy and asian food products like rice crackers....Mmm sounds tasty. I REALLY hope this helps Charlie. Did I mention I have to be on super calcium supplements while breastfeeding without dairy?
What can I stand to learn from this?
Hopefully I will find some soy products that I like because we always hear about the benefits of soy. If this dairy famine doesn't help Charlie's tummy Chan-Sizzle then wants to assess and treat him for reflux. I'm okay with whatever the plan will be, I just want Charlie to be able to eat and sleep consistently without breaking into the high pitched screaming cry (no, not the I'm tired and fussy cry, not the I'm hungary cry - it's the I'm in pain damn-it cry).
After our appointment I went straight over to whole foods to try to talk to someone about dairy free products and pick up a few staples. Just when I feel alone and somewhat crazy/tearful Gods sends in an angel...Chris Beirne (and Ellen too). I hadn't seen Chris since Christmas and that hug did wonders for my spirit. Seeing her was a breath of fresh air - of course she knew all about casein and whey which made me feel less like an alien. She's been up on the blog and said she loved the photo of my boys in their white t-shirts...I LOVE that photo and I LOVE hearing that people read the blog because let's face it, I could be sleeping when I'm working on this thing. (Sleep is the most precious thing these days next to my husband and baby...SLEEP IS KING)
We're off to our second post-natal exercise class this afternoon. I was so overwhelmed with trying to load down the stroller (diaper bag, mat, weights, towel and boppy for Charlie to sit on, water bottle...keys....ugggh what am I forgetting?!) for the first class and just get registered that I forgot to take a photo - it's pretty cute/funny.
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