Monday, October 13, 2008

Walking to the Art & Wine Festival

On Sunday after watching our Raiders get their asses kicked AGAIN (it's a great season to have a baby and NOT buy season tix) I bundled Charlie up to take him for a walk.  Getting some indirect sunlight is supposed to help him re-program his day/night confusion and walking daily helps to reduce my frustration when he becomes really fussy. Walking downtown also leads to the "you have a baby phenomena". I've never been smiled at more in my life...sure they are actually smiling at Charlie...but it's still coming my way and that makes a girl feel good. Jose met us downtown after about an hour of walking laps and we had an early dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Of course in the meantime there was the whole nursing conundrum. We had to park far from downtown due to all the congestion so we borrowed a chair from a vendor and snuck into a closed store front on a side street...Feeding on demand isn't always easy but we are getting creative. STILL working on a bottle. We may have to starve the little man like Ann says they had to with Cole.  Besides - does my little guy look like he misses a meal? :-)

Having a baby has helped me to remember to  manage my expectations and to be flexible. When I've tried to plan a "romantic" meal at home - Charlie has screamed all night.  Last night he wanted to be held but our dinner was so sweet. I sit across from Jose in awe and despite all the transitional stress with having a baby - there is something so beautiful about becoming a family.

Look at my moose socks!

I'm tired, let's get this show on the road!

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