Friday, October 3, 2008

Sweet Sick Boy

Charlie has come down with a cold :-( He's really congested (you can hear him breathing poor baby) and he has a runny nose.  It is scary for a baby so small to be sick but we're keeping a close eye on him. He hasn't been running too high of a fever thank goodness (higher than 38c or 100f we have to go back to the hospital).  The doc advised us to do saline irrigation for his nose so he can sleep and eat better...let me tell you that is not fun. Poor Charlie gets really worked up.  I swear there is so much stuff that you need - that no one mentions - that costs so much! I'm making all the new mamas medical kits in my life from now on....because when you need something for a sick  baby you need it NOW. I'm lucky enough to have a great husband who can flex his work hours or work from home occasionally to help out. I can't imagine trying to take my sick newborn into the drug store to hunt down some saline irrigation products.

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