Thanks for the great pic Pill :-)

Most of you know my Mimi means the world to me. For the longest time I thought about having babies before I was ready (though who is ever really "ready") just so that she would know my baby, me as a mother, and most importantly my baby would know her. This feeling was especially heightened as my cousins had babies. I feel so blessed that Mimi has been able to visit Charlie and as he grows that he will be able to visit her. This week as Charlie was very fussy Mimi calmed him and put him to sleep. I know Charlie knows her by the way his little grunting self slept peacefully on her chest.
As I'm sure you know, October is breast cancer awareness month. Join us in San Francisco this year as we walk to honor Mimi.
See the link on the right for more information on our team page - Love Strides.
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