The noise of the mixer doesn't seem to bother him! (Unlike the vacuum and the leaf blower outside)
Let me out!
My Mother's Day present...very exciting. Chocolate's been a long time. (I'm excited to try to make bread from scratch this week too)
Here's my cake after a lot of frosting :-) I know the little boards underneath aren't cute...but you've got to use something to transfer it around. Here it's sitting on the turn table....quite handy when you're decorating.
Okay - so my lettering is not that great....but practice makes perfect. It's a lot more difficult off the practice card when you can't trace the letters and are free-handing!
Sooooooo I've only had 1 major blunder so far and I thought you'd appreciate this:
For the frosting instead of buying regular cubed vegetable flavor I bought cubed butter flavor...doesn't that sound more reasonable? (At least it does in this non-cook's head) Granted I didn't have the sheet right in front of me AND there are all those mystery ingredients including flavoring options, vanilla, butter, etc. Needless to say my pale yellow cake stood out in class. I did end up cutting the butter flavor with vanilla flavoring and I think it's pretty good! A happy accident at least this time around.
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