I know we need the rain and no, I have not forgotten my farm town roots, but I can't help it, I loathe the rain. I loathe the rain even more with a baby in tow as I either stay inside all day or take tremendous care to bundle him accordingly so that no tiny drops reach his tiny limbs. I am longing for the promise of late spring - the warmth - the freedom. Lately, what has constituted a good day has been getting out for a hike or extended walk, especially on the weekend. Fresh Air/Free/Exercise/Entertainment/Discover new places... can't beat that. Looks like this weekend might be super crap....arrrg.
Overall Charlie is doing well - he's more mobile every day and is now consistently pulling himself up on his knees and a few times lately to his feet. He's eating lots of solid purees with little fuss and is learning to express himself in new grunts/octaves all the time :-) Still no teeth, but that's okay with me.
We're celebrating 8 months tomorrow.
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