Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back on Blogger

I'm back from my blogging hiatus. I've posted some pics from our recent trip to Hawaii.  Usually coming home - seeing the lights of the city either coming into SFO or driving over the golden gate bridge I have such a huge sense of relief to be home.  I didn't feel that coming home from this trip. Our family vacation was a much needed time for rest (or at least more so that usual) and reflection....I could have used about 5 more days of that.  Packing to be so far away from home with a small baby was daunting and returning home with all the laundry/unpacking is overwhelming. I got up to get an early start on the laundry with Charlie this am and discovered that the ant problem Jose told me about in the kitchen last night had migrated to the laundry room also. GREAT.  So off to the hardware store Charlie and I went this morning to find the good ant traps (where they take the poison back to the tribe) and while I had an extra 10 mins before he woke up from his car nap I set a bunch of traps (yes I wear gloves and then wash my hands thoroughly).  Die you ants...all  of you die... eww creepy creepy.  Also this am loud construction started at 8:00 complete with loud hammering, sawing and general nerve wracking crap. I think you'll find Charlie and I walking downtown and hanging out at the library today, returning hawaii travel books, enjoying the quiet and waiting for our ants to die.


Stephanie said...

Ah looks like you guys had fun! Welcome back!

Unknown said...

Ants are the worst! We get random plagues at casa Arriada too. They're so tiny that they get EVERYWHERE! It drives me crazy!