We're home from another L.A. trip and it was good to sleep in my own bed last night and wake up to a cage to put Charlie into at 5:20 this morning :-) We've been tagging along with Jose quite a bit and I'm sure child rearing experts would have something to say about that but I have something to say about it too. Because of the demands of the economy Jose has started to take more last minute and multiple day trips. As a family we are committed to not being away from each other more than 1 night whenever possible. I feel like we're really fortunate that I'm at home with Charlie right now and that we have the companion pass so we can fly with big daddy...and I think we'd be crazy not to. I feel like it's important for all of us to be together, especially Charlie with his favorite buddy in such a critical developmental time and if we can make that happen why not take advantage? I found myself exhausted at the end of this trip and I can only imagine how Jose feels. I know that if I were the FactSetter (as many women are) that I couldn't be away from Charlie for this kind of travel and because they have such crazy check in/out clients visits, I couldn't make even pumping (much less breastfeeding) work away from him. (Though breastfeeding is much better rec'd in the workplace after legislation in the last decade could you see me toting an ice chest in with my work bag to a client?) I'd have to bring the nanny with me and have my baby in the hotel room while I worked downstairs because that's crazy quite frankly. Though I know the role of a dad is different, I know Jose hates to be away from Charlie in much the same way and if I can make that easier, I will. Plus I know my hubbie likes to have his bag unpacked, clothes and toiletries put out for the morning, and after I get up and take Charlie for the early am walk to let Jose sleep a little longer he always gets his coffee delivery :-)

Because Charlie rolls, forward scoots to wherever he pleases we had to get extra sheets to cover more surface area on the floor :-)


He's really trying to get up on his knees - push up/plank to yoga downward dog... but no crawls

With the PBK puppy Tia Ryn got him before when we first registered for the shower

Pre-baby, I thought baby life would always look this way, a sweet little book on top of his blanket...ready to head to the airport

But often times being a new parent feels like our poor carseat bag looks. BTW - if you plan to do more than 2 plane trips
don't buy this bag! We've broken 1 zipper and as of this trip BOTH shoulder straps! Let me know if you have a rec for a super durable car seat bag!

Asleep while out in the LA sunshine :-)
1 comment:
I'd be traveling to! If he is a good travel and you are all enjoying it who cares what the "experts" say. You are the "expert" for your family!
GO Charlie! I can't wait to see a video of the little guy crawling. I can't believe he is so big already. Wasn't he and Levi and baby Cate just born??? CRAZY
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