No new news from the GI Specialist after waiting an hour and a half to see him. Jose and I took turns walking Charlie around the halls in the better ventilated areas away from the sick kids who apparently didn't listen to the women at the front desk when she asked if anyone had a cough, cold or rash. They said there is no blood test for allergies at Charlie's age and that reflux is diagnosed through responses to medication which I'm not too crazy about...but we shall see in the coming days if we give it a try. Meds before you know anything is going on doesn't sound so good to me.
One bonus: Nona got Charlie this nifty bib that lights up...tackles both the spit up issue and the love of lights :)

The count down is on until we go to Stanford tomorrow to see the pediatric G.I. specialist we've been referred to. Over the last week or so Charlie has had a lot of tummy issues again and it disturbs his eating and sleep. My no dairy diet is starting to wear on my body and I've been just holding on to the fact that we can see the magic tummy doc tomorrow. He will hopefully be able to determine what Charlie's specific food allergies are and evaluate him for reflux issues. I'm leary of Charlie having to do more tests/treatments but I also don't want to keep him out of the doc's office if they can help him be more comfortable. I recently read that reflux may be a contributor (among everything else) to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The fear of this sudden loss can be almost paralyzing. My old counselor used to say that when you speak your fears you take away their power but how can you talk about SIDS? No one even wants to think about such a tragic loss and I don't know how anyone could get through it - I think my parents are the most courageous people I've ever met. I realize the only thing you can do is reduce the risk factors as much as possible. Many people have said to me - it's something you just can't worry about...and I want to say "but it's not your family".
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