Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Hump Day

Time continues to fly by - it seems that as soon as Charlie goes down for a nap I am rushing around to get the normal "every day" things done (like make my bed) or I'm crashed out with him. Becoming a parent is definitely tougher than I could have imagined. I'm constantly worried about doing things well for Charlie so that he will be a well adjusted little baby. The new "gas" idea is whether or not the mom-baby connection is perfect during nursing. We're working on it and I'm trying to address every issue that could help his poor tummy. In the middle of the night when he's screaming while I take "too long" to change his diaper and treat his poor diaper rash (newborns poop constantly!) I worry about waking the neighbors above and below us.  There are so many things that don't work...the latest example is Desitin creamy. The poor diaper rash was not clearing despite my dedicated attention so I called the pediatrician with numerous questions. The nurse I talked to specifically asked me if I was using "creamy" or "original". Well, guess what - creamy doesn't do anything. Why is this crap on the market? Ughhhh good thing I called. I think I'll write a book on the things that don't work when having a baby...stay tuned for future excerpts :-)

Despite the sleep-limited nights and the crying due to gas, crying due to something we can't figure out, Charlie not wanting to sleep alone...blah blah blah I can't help myself in other moments. A tiny satisfied exhale, his husky snore, his sweet smile (to be followed by farts) completely captivate me. I try to make a point to treasure each of these moments as he grows so quickly because I know the changes don't wait for me to slow down and pay attention.

Tia Ryn and Uncle Dubs came for a visit - quite frankly company leaves me exhausted but they were so great and went to the grocery store for us and bbq'd hamburgers.  I was a little sad when they left today as the condo felt empty - though it's never been so full.  Thanks for making the trip to see us guys.

Today was Jose's first day trip to L.A. and though he's coming home tonight I got nervous all over again. Falling in love with him in a whole different light has made me feel vulnerable again just like that "new love" virus.  We missed you today bbc, JYCYAME.

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