Thursday, August 28, 2008

Celebrating our Due Date

Well, the little ticker has run out and that means - yep - we're due today. My doula in pre-natal fitness likes to say "a due date is not an expiration date" which is a good reminder :-) We've waited 10 months (actually longer...but still) for this baby and another week or so won't hurt us. I'm happy to let him come out on his own - I think he might take after his daddy and need to do things in his own time.  See the previous post for our OB update and game plan...

Thank you for all of your phone calls - I haven't been great about returning calls promptly, mostly because I have the same conversations over and over. I don't have a lot happening in my day so there's not much new to opposed to when I was teaching when every day had a story. (tenured teacher friends, you should totally keep a blog - it would be ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!) I tend to do much better with email/facebook because I can get on when I can't sleep etc.

Just a reminder that we will be using calling post to let everyone know when the big arrival happens. You will receive a call from their service that has a message recorded from us with the details. There is a link to our hospital on the right side of the page where you can get directions if needed (1st day visitors = immediate family only) Who knows if our cell phone will be on or charged so call labor and delivery if you have questions (650.367.5655) 

On a side note - the due date has been such a big day all this time - I think we should at least get to have a party with cupcakes like in 3rd grade :-) I think we'll find a way to celebrate tonight as we have a lot to be thankful for.

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